long time din attend bb meeting d loh~~
after about 3 months since form 5 farewell..
have attend 3rd manjung company
1st bb meeting year 2010...
=RECRUITMENT DAY=long time din meet with all
bb members loh..
quite happy can gather together
today even though some friends
have start their studies n goin for NS~~~
today attend meeting
received new tat tis year bb pesta
will held on 11-15 june at penang~~
abit sad..coz duno wether can go anot~~
because mayb tat time i had enter
college n dun have any holidays..
tis year 3rd manjung company
will celebrate 10th anniversary!!
i sure will attend...
needs any help juz call me bah..(if im free) =D
even i enter 3rd manjung company
only for 2 years!!haha..